Seeding is the process of placing registered teams from BNS membership into divisional brackets. This process is one of the most important aspects of our Provincial Championship helping to ensure that teams are place in the appropriate divisions.
Our seeding objectives are to give every team a chance to compete in a minimum of 50% of their games. There will be top teams and bottom teams in each division. Some teams may win all their games and some teams may lose all their games, but all should have a chance to compete in at least half of their games.
Any team registered as BNS members can register for the BNS Provincial Club Championships in their eligible age group (ie: If a U14 team plays up in a U16 age division as part of season league play, that U14 team could still register in the U14 Provincial Club Championships provided they meet the necessary seeding requirements).
Any player or team may play in an older age division, but no player or team shall play in a lower age division than their eligibility.